FY22 House Ways and Means Budget Update

The work of building Safe and Supportive Schools for all MA students continues to move forward. Earlier today, the FY22 House Ways and Means Budget was released, and it funds the Safe and Supportive Schools line item at $510,684! Additionally, the line item included provisions in the language that we have been advocating for regarding prioritizing student voice and incorporating training on the revised Safe and Supportive Schools Self-Assessment Tool into conferences and leadership summits.

This critical funding, if included in the final budget, will support implementation of the Safe and Supportive Schools Framework statute. We are grateful for the widespread support of the Safe and Supportive Schools line item in the House. Please stay tuned as the budget process moves forward into the Senate. If needed, we will be back in touch to ask you to contact your Senator to support adequate funding for the Safe and Supportive Schools line item.

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